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How to hit your first 1 rep max squat

Beginner squat cycle

Want to run your first squat cycle to peak for a one rep max? here is a programme to do so!

Before we move further into the programme, the barbell back squat is a highly technical movement, and you shouldn’t progress past the first phases until you’ve got the movement pattern down.

I would highly recommend contacting a fitness professional to help you on your squat journey! You’ll make quicker progress and feel more confident in your technique going forward.

With that said the first phase for a beginner to go through is a phase of motor learning, this is where you will be practicing the technique of squatting. My favourite variation of the squat to start out on is the goblet box squat. The goblet squat allows you to keep an upright torso angle and encourages proper bracing due to holding the load out in front. The addition of a box will allow you to consistently hit the same level of depth. How many times you can squat initially will depend how much time you can devote to training, but you want to be preforming this movement every time you train. The intensity should be low as the frequency will be high and we want to be reinforcing good technique with every repetition. As you get more confident with hitting depth on the squat you can remove the box and work on a regular goblet squat and as your confidence on the regular goblet squat builds you will want to start adding weight. Continue to add weight as your confidence builds until you reach a 20kg dumbbell or kettlebell.

Once you have reached this stage it’s time to start working with the barbell. We want to repeat the process used for the goblet squat with the barbell back squat. Only add a box if hitting depth becomes an issue, otherwise just perform the regular barbell back squat. You’ll want to add weight where possible but don’t push hard, these phases are about making sure every rep is controlled and performed with good technique.

These initial phases can be very short or long depending on how many times you can get into the gym and how quickly you are able to pick the movement pattern up.

I would highly recommend contacting a fitness professional to help you on your squat journey! You’ll make quicker progress and feel more confident in your technique going forward.

Once you feel like you have a good foundation of the barbell back squat it’s time to start progressing towards your first 1rm! For the following programme we are now going to take our squatting frequency down to only once per week.

Let’s take twelve weeks to build up towards this. We’re going to have three phases, that are each four weeks long

Phase 1 – Volume

Phase 2 – Intensity

Phase 3 - Peak

The first phase will focus on volume work in the squat and for this we will use a 4x8 rep and set scheme. You’ll want to start with a weight you can comfortably perform 4x8 with and add 2.5kg each week in weight to the bar.

The second phase will be focused on intensity. The sets and reps will drop for 4x8 to 3x5 – you will want to increase the weight on the bar from the volume phase but again make sure to start at a place that the 3x5 is comfortable. Once again add 2.5kg to the bar each week.

The final phase will be focused on peaking up to a 1rm! For this we are going to change the reps/sets every week until we end on a 1rm in the fourth week. Here is what it looks like

Week 1 3x4

Week 2 3x3

Week 3 2x2

Week 4 1x1

Now note this shouldn’t be an all-out grinder of a rep!! make sure its sensible. Think 8/10.

Congratulations you hit your first 1rm!!!

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